



The Best Video Game Conspiracies That Might Be Real

The Best Video Game Conspiracies That Might Be Real

There are some seriously heavy conspiracy theories swirling around the most history-worthy events in mankind’s history. The truth is obviously far stranger than what we have all come to accept as the real story. The truth about these events is something far deeper and much more interesting. The best part is that Ubisoft has all the facts surrounding these events and has even laced them into the fabric of their best-selling series, Assassin’s Creed . Who knew? The truth about some of history’s most incredible events and people are actually all a lie, forged by a shadowy entity, left over from the time of the Crusades. Thank goodness Ubi has deciphered it all for us. Here are ten of my personal favorite “truths” found in the AC series.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Loosely based in fact and the rest in legend, the Templars found “something” on Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the Crusades. Now, history is sketchy as to what it actually was. But the fact that they even gained access to it in the first place is pretty incredible. But One of the things rumored to be there was the ruins of Solomon’s Temple, the treasure trove of the most wealthy and successful king in the history of the Israelites. Now a lot of people think that they took away with them the treasures of King Solomon, which is what led to their rise in prominence. However, others believe that they found something far more important than mere gold and jewels. The Assassins would have us believe that they found a piece of Eden, a relic that allowed an ancient race to govern the human mind, but the concept of these proto-people are dodgy. Maybe they were angels, or even aliens.

The Death of Harry Houdini

The Death of Harry Houdini

The truth behind Houdini’s death is actually quite trivial in the grand scheme of things. He died from inflammation of his abdomen due to appendicitis. Someone, somewhere started the nasty rumor that he was actually struck by a deranged fan and that is what caused the swelling that led to his untimely demise. But that lackluster conspiracy theory just wasn’t intense enough for the Assassins. They uncovered that Houdini’s death was at none other than the hands of the Templars. Why would the Templars kill Houdini you ask? Simple. He knew too much. How did he know too much? He had a piece of Eden that allowed him near clairvoyance when dealing with the minds and tricks of other magicians of his day. The Templars saw that he had something they wanted and the easiest way to get it was to eliminate him.

The DaVinci Code

The DaVinci Code

Theories of the bloodline of Christ have existed for centuries, even though we didn’t really start seeing them pop up in literary works until the 1200s. Many even believe that the Holy Grail legend itself has nothing to do with a chalice that held the blood of Christ at his crucifixion, but rather is the child he had with Mary Magdelene that was taken from the Holy Land after Jesus’ death. There are even those that believe his resurrection was actually his child, not he, that survived the cross. But the Assassins want us to believe that the bloodline of Christ begat a female child who would grow up to be, among other things, the girlfriend of Altair Ibn Al-Ahad, an Assassin. But she gets killed before having a child of her own, so that ends that.

Tunguska Crater

Tunguska Crater

Nearly dead center in Russia, back in June of 1908, something exploded. That something leveled nearly 800 square miles of forest and whatever else was in its wake. The crater has become the stuff of legend and much speculation. Was it aliens? Or maybe a nuclear bomb test gone awry? Was it a meteor (the most popular theory)? Or was it something else completely? Well, obviously it was the Assassins…with the help of Nikola Tesla. That’s right. Tesla did it. He used some super-massive death ray that was powered by a piece of Eden provided by the Assassins. It makes sense, really. Tesla had already been financially ruined and completely defaced in America by Templar bastards like Thomas Edison, who stole his ideas and marketed them with the backing of Templar funds. So what choice did he have but to return to Mother Russia and plot his revenge against the Templars? His vengeance just happened to be a little bigger than even he thought possible.

Alien Ant Farm

Alien Ant Farm

There are tons of theories that state that mankind is nothing more than a planted species, left here by an alien race to study their societal development over the centuries. Hell, L. Ron Hubbard built an entire religion around the concept that we’re nothing more than a giant alien ant farm. The funny part is that there is evidence all around that mankind may have been influenced by a superior race or races over the centuries. From Cambodia, to Thailand to Egypt to South and Central America, there is all kinds of stuff to assist in supporting the theory that we are not alone in the universe. But here’s where it gets interesting. The assassins have uncovered that these proto-people did in fact influence mankind. It wasn’t aliens, however, it was the first men. They created us as slaves for their use. But as we do, we rebelled and built our world right on top of theirs.

The Philadelphia Experiment

The Philadelphia Experiment

1943. The United States allegedly launched a project to make a battleship, the USS Eldridge, invisible to the naked eye. The experiments were conducted in Philadelphia, PA and used something called the Principles of Unified Theory. But what they discovered was far better than invisibility. The Eldridge supposedly went back in time for approximately ten seconds and then returned in Virginia… not Philadelphia. The vessel was reportedly found with members of the crew fused into the hull of the ship itself. But that’s not good enough. The Templars were involved, say the Assassins. They ordered the project into existence and saw it through to the end. But the details change here. The Eldridge actually used the piece of Eden and travelled forward in time for eighteen minutes before returning. They then decided that they weren’t going to further their quest so as not to create multiplicities along their timeline. Smart thinking.

Because Rasputin

Because Rasputin

During the Russian Revolution, this clown was the royal healer to Prince Alexei. He was said to have possessed great influence over the royal family and was even said to be a mystic or wizard. Most say the mystic or wizard part because after his capture, he was sentenced to death. But after surviving being shot, he was eviscerated, castrated, stabbed, and eventually died after being tossed into a lake after surviving everything else. So I guess if they had started with the drowning, we wouldn’t be talking about this. Anyway, turns out that he was actually a Templar. He had infiltrated his way into the royal family and come into possession of the Imperial Scepter, which was actually a piece of Eden. Turns out he wasn’t a mystic or even a wizard, he just had a really fancy stick with tons of other-worldly power.

Surviving the Eagle’s Nest

Surviving the Eagle’s Nest

At the end of World War II, the Allies fell in on Hitler’s last stronghold like waves crashing in on the shore and found him dead by his own hand. The bodies of both Hitler and Eva Braun were found already dead by the time the Allies entered the bunker to capture him and his heads of state, but many believe that the bodies that the Allied forces found were nothing more than zealous decoys, who killed themselves to allow Adolph and Eva the chance to elude capture and carry on the legacy of the Reich elsewhere. The most popular theories place their flight stopping in Argentina or Brazil. But the truth is that the Assassins killed him as he tried to flee the Eagle’s Nest. Yup. The Allies didn’t get him, the Assassins did. Turns out they didn’t like him very much.

From The Grassy Knoll

From The Grassy Knoll

November 22nd, 1963 was a dark day for the United States. It saw the death of its most beloved president at the hands of a lone gunman. At least that’s what the news media wanted everyone to believe. But the theories behind JFK’s murder are far more elaborate and sinister. The fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was working alone was absolutely absurd. Everyone was sure that someone else was involved. Perhaps even the US government itself had ordered the hit due to JFK’s outside-the-box politics and exponentially growing popularity with the common citizen. But the Assassins would have us believe that the real story goes a bit like this: Lee Harvey Oswald, Abraham Zapruder and JFK’s own driver were in the plot together and that the driver used a piece of Eden to project a shadow of someone on the grassy knoll that became the centerpiece of the conspiracy theories. But it all boiled down to the Templars getting another piece of Eden… by any means necessary.

Rule From The Shadows

Rule From The Shadows

The Illuminati has been the subject of much speculation for a very, very long time. This shadowy organization is said to be responsible for toppling governments and ruling people through obtuse channels so that the rest of the world is none the wiser about their existence. There have also been many attempts by people to make the masses believe that they are not only real, but are in control of everything. Now Ubisoft would have us believe that the Illuminati are descendants of the Templars themselves, who went into hiding after the ‘official’ routing of the Templar remnants throughout Europe. But now they have their sights set on shooting a mind-control device into the heavens and brainwashing all mankind. The only thing that can stop them? Assassins.

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