



Top 10 Monster Chicks

Top 10 Monster Chicks

With Halloween so close, we thought it only right to sidestep the usual din of cosplay models and which characters would be fun to be for Halloween. We have decided to show off a list of ten of the hottest monsters around. This list has only two qualifiers. You have to be female and a total monster. Enjoy.



This cat woman has clawed her way through several titles in the video game world, but always does it with that same smile, those same bouncing…uh…claws, and that same, super-hot costume. Be warned, not all monsters are ugly. Honestly, that’s what this list is all about. And that’s why Felicia kick-starts the countdown.

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Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

We’re not totally sure if you can count Ivy as a monster or not, but hey–this is our list. We don’t care. Besides, her really bizarre and nearly sexual affinity for plants has gotten the monster nod a time or two anyway. I mean, seriously, does your girlfriend make out with plants? If so, does she have any sisters?



We know, we know…mutants aren’t monsters. They’re people just like you and me. Unless you’re Mystique. Girlfriend can change into any form she wants. That is one monstrous talent. It makes us think that if you get tired of her looking one way; she could just change into another form. Or she could be your greatest fantasy. But most likely, she’d just kill you for asking.



This NetherRealm badass has ruined my life so many times in the Mortal Kombat series. Even though she hasn’t always been present in every iteration of the title–she has destroyed me more than once when she does show up. She gets me every time with that silvery hair blowing in the wind, and its usually drenched with my blood as she jams that purple ball of bad juju in my head ‘til it explodes.

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Witches are monsters too…sort of. Well, we’re taking into account the fact that she is covered in a sexy suit made of her own hair. Even though it’s not body hair (which is good), it is still enough to make us wonder what she would do to a man who wasn’t treating her right. Or what if maybe there’s a man stuck in that weave already? Oh man, banish that thought. Moving on.

Goddess Etain

Goddess Etain

We have heard it said that Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But what if you kill her? Oh, and what if she’s a goddess, AND you kill her? Then her soul splits into two halves. One of them light and good, and the other dark and sinister. We are guessing that is the recipe for all kinds of Hell-flavored fury. The twin Goddess in Shaiya shows the perfect balance between beauty and beast.



Beware cougars in hot, witchy-looking outfits. They might just turn out to be dragons. Seriously, it happened to us and about a bajillion other people in Dragon Age . Flemeth saves your life and helps you on your quest. The next thing you know–BAM! She’s a psycho elder dragon bent on burning your ass up.



She eats Eridium. That Eridium gives her crazy powers that are not only awesome, but also unstable. She gets a little mental when she swallows a big old chunk of that power stuff. She starts screaming, and then things start flying around in the air, and then people start flying around in the air, and then she teleports your ass somewhere you may or may not want to be. She’s a monster, man. A hot one…but a monster.



It doesn’t get much hotter or monster-y than the ability to kill someone by feeding off of their sexual energy until they pass away…obviously with a smile on their face. But be that as it may, sucking someone dry to kill them is one hell of a way to do it. So naturally, this busty, badass succubus makes the list. Not only can she beat you into oblivion; she can give you the time of your life…and then you die. We guess it’s not such a bad way to go.



Vampires have long been the bastions of sexual tension in fictional media. These undead bloodsuckers have been made the stuff of sexual legend by using their ability to influence the minds of some unwitting man or woman, and then guiding them into the throes of passion before ripping a chunk out of their neck and bleeding them dry. Thankfully, Rayne isn’t like that. She actually kills the bloodthirsty vamps of the world…all while being as bad (and hot) as she wants to be.

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